Support Saving Our Country Parks


We need your financial support to protect our country parks from development and eco-vandalism.

Environmental concern groups and hiking associations have been fighting hard in reducing development pressure in Tai Long Wan, Tai Long Sai Wan, Hoi Ha, Pak Lap, So Lo Pun, To Kwa Peng, Pak Tam Au, Lai Chi Wo, Yi O and other parts of country parks.

But development pressure has not stopped. The existing country park boundaries are under threat from those who want to use park land for new housing estates.

The promised designation of new country parks such as Robin’s Nest, Lamma Island, Tung Lung Chau, and Po Toi has stalled.

And the AFCD refuses to put the enclaves of private land deep inside country parks under the control of the Country and Marine Parks Authority. It claims that it is ‘too difficult to manage’.

This has opened the door for the Heung Yee Kuk and village developers to push the Town Planning Board for the right to build village houses in these enclaves. These houses will result in an increase in population, economic activity, traffic, light pollution, poaching, sewage and waste water run off (there are no sewers in the country parks).

We believe that this disregard for Hong Kong’s natural heritage is foolish. The country parks are part of what makes Hong Kong stand out from Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore, New York and London.

Imagine our country parks turned into new towns and NT villages? And we could never afford to undo these developments and recreate the parks if we ever wanted to.

The ‘Save Our Country Parks’ campaign includes:

1.      Public events to raise awareness.

2.      Country park clean up hikes.

3.      Fighting small houses in Country Parks enclaves.

4.      Supporting a Judicial Review of the refusal by the Country and Marine Authority to incorporate enclaves under the Country Parks Ordinance.

5.      Supporting a Judicial Review of the decision by the Town Planning Board to permit small house developments in Hoi Ha, Pak Lap and So Lo Pun.

How to make donations in support of the ‘Save Our Country Parks’ campaign:

1. Cheques can be made payable to “Designing Hong Kong Limited”. Mark on the back ’Save Our Country Parks’ and sent your donation to Designing Hong Kong Limited, 507, Eastern Harbour Centre, 28 Hoi Chak Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong.

2. Donations can be transfered electronically to HSBC 808-347553-001. Please email the bank-in information to

‘Save Our Country Parks’ badge!

Donations over HK$100 will be rewarded with the ‘Save Our Country Parks’ badge! To receive your badge, please include your mailing address details with your donation.



















1. 支票抬頭寫「Designing Hong Kong Limited」,背後註明「保衛郊野公園」並郵寄到「鰂魚涌海澤街28號東港中心507室」

2. 存入匯豐銀行戶口808-347553-001,並電郵入數單據到



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