Green Group Joint TPB Hearing Presentation
2014年5月8日,城規會展開有關海下、白腊及鎖羅盆分區計劃大綱圖的申述會。環保團體聯合申述,用八小時向委員闡述三個地方的重要之處,並希望委員可以修改草圖,縮減可發展丁屋的地帶,保護環境。報告資料夾只有英文版: 8th May 2014. Town Planning Board starts to hear the representation about Outline Zoning Plans for Hoi Ha, Pak Lap and So Lo Pun. Several Green Groups joint together for the 8 hours presentation, urging the board member to consider amending the plans to reduce the VTD zone and protect the environment: *Development […]